Friday 17 May 2024


Celebrities Making Millions to Push Bioweapon

The NFL-Hollywood-Pharma complex...

Some of the fiercest advocates and pushers of this governments created bioweapon, used to kill Americans, are using their fame to push their fans, to take these deadly gene changing shots. And they’re doing it for money , BIG money. But they’re also learning very quickly, that they to are the targets…

There’s nothing lower than those who make millions encouraging humanity to take a poison bioweapon. People like Marjorie Taylor Greene who actually owns stock in Gilead, the company that makes the deadly Remdesivir. Representative Greene also owns CRSPR Technologies, AG, the company that produces CRISPR/Cas9, the tech that enables this mRNA synthetic toxin to remove a portion of your natural DNA and replace it with their lab created code and permanently change your genome. Then there’s Dolly Parton, a cockroach in the music industry, who actually funded Fauci’s created company, Moderna, to ensure they had enough money to get every American a shot of this poison. 

When we turn to the world of professional sports it doesn’t get dirtier than the NFL. Essentially they forced their players, rookies and veterans alike to take this poison. Why? Because they were paid heavily by this sham of a federal government. Just like the CEO’s of the airlines were paid off and given big lifetime perks to push a government created bioweapon into the arms of our nations commercial pilots. 

Most of you who follow the NFL are aware that Kansas City Chiefs tight end, Travis Kelce, proudly pushes what he’s surely has seen by now is a deadly bioweapon poison into his fellow American citizens, especially his fellow players. He’s not doing it because he believes it, NO! He’s doing it because Pfizer paid him 20 million dollars! He thinks it’s cute promoting the “2-n-1” covid and seasonal flu shot. All the while, the CEO of Pfizer has confirmed publicly that the seasonal flu shot this year, contains the dangerous mRNA tech and God only knows what else.

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Kelce goes on in another video clip encouraging everyone to take the shot, “because the virus is still in play.” It is?! Where is it? Where are the hospitals overflowing, where are the deaths? Then he says, “take the shot or you could be killed by this infection in the locker room.” Really? Travis, we’ve always lived in a world full of organisms and you’ve been in there for many years, really, the locker room? He goes on with the one that they’ve been using to make us feel guilty from the start, the fear of spreading it to Grandma, “take the shot or you will cost your team the game.” Well Travis Kelce might be rich in money but he’s a low life fame and money whore who will likely have a difficult time justifying himself when he meets his maker. Kelce was a “kneeler” during the national anthem in 2017, ironically disrespecting the very country that enables him to earn a living at his level. A man who wears a Band-Aid for Pfizer but never really shows you he’s getting a real COVID-19 shot. Kelce is no stranger to selling out as he also promoted Budweiser long after the trans debacle. It doesn’t matter to him, he doesn’t need to have a conscience, he’s got 20 MILLION dollars from Pfizer. 

Because of Pfizer’s multi-billion dollar incentive campaign, approximately 95% of the NFL players were injected with this poison and nearly 100% of the personnel. Detractors ask, why aren’t more of them dead or injured? Let’s talk about it, there’s nothing like blocking the information from getting out and then claiming it doesn’t exist. The NFL is following the playbook of the CDC. The truth is the information IS getting out, and what’s starting to come to light is an unprecedented amount of serious orthopedic injuries, like tendon ruptures and permanent ACL damage. Football players have been taking huge heavy impact hits for years, and yet the rate of joint and soft tissue orthopedic injuries have skyrocketed since 2021. Many of them are retiring and sitting out, sucking off of their contracts as long as they keep quiet. Do you think the shots are damaging their tendons and other soft tissue? YES! According to the Swedish researches, the mRNA material gets into EVERY cell in the body in under 6 hours. It’s most likely getting into tendon tissue and those DNA codes are telling the body to produce within those tissues the spike protein or whatever the antigen is. How many other injuries or issues like myocarditis, shortness of breath, are being bought off for silence?

But there are heroes in this “game,” sports celebrities who not only rejected the incentives but also bravely resisted the bioweapon assault, like tennis great, Novak Djokovic and NFL quarterback, Aaron Rodgers. GREAT role models and they are the celebrities on whom I prefer to focus. Why? Because they are sending messages of truth and courage to the public, especially young people, our legacy! I prefer to highlight these real heroes that align with the Truth in Medicine I bring everyday. Here is a fun clip and I hope Aaron will consider coming on the Dr. Jane Ruby Show very soon. Here’s a great team:

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Dr. Jane Ruby is an American scientist, medical professional, and commentator. Follow her work on or help with the Legal Defense Fund in the baseless $25 Million defamation case filed against her by mRNA inventor, Robert Malone, at

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Direct mail address for checks for the show or to the legal defense fund: 

Dr. Jane Ruby 

4371 Northlake Blvd, 

#188 Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410



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