Wednesday 8 May 2024


Alternative, Integrative Cancer Treatments

It does not have to kill you!

The tidal wave of turbo cancers after the Covid jabs is wreaking havoc on people’s lives, particularly in younger people who are getting cancers rarely seen in that age group before the jabs. Surely big pharma and oncologists are salivating over the billions of dollars they can make using their toxic treatment methods such as chemotherapy and radiation.

Cancer is the bogeyman everybody fears. A cancer diagnosis and prognosis usually turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy because we believe cancer will cause our death. A doctor telling a patient the bad news causes a nocebo effect and puts the Law of Attraction to work. If the patient believes that he will die, he will die. It is quite unnecessary to die from cancer. It is also not true that cancer can’t be cured. What kills most patients is not the cancer but their belief and the treatment—orthodox treatment, that is. Oncologists expose patients to many sessions of chemotherapy, killing first and foremost the immune system and the gut—the two most important tissues necessary for the body to fight cancer. After stuffing the patient with chemicals, they irradiate them. Radiation too kills the immune system and the gut and causes massive free-radical damage. The only treatment that can be beneficial in certain cases is the surgical removal of a tumor that causes physical problems because of its size or because it is pressing on a nerve or blood vessel or causing an obstruction. In other cases, surgery is risky because it helps spread cancer cells all around. Biopsies are just as risky because they spread cancer cells too.

There have existed natural treatments for cancer long before today, but insane laws prohibit doctors from openly discussing them without risking losing their right to practice. I compiled a list of natural cancer treatments that, when used in combination, can heal cancer.

The main reason for cancer is toxic chemicals we are exposed to on a daily basis in water, food, air, personal care products, household cleaning products and so much more. By the time you reach midlife, your body has accumulated a load of toxins. Add to those bad nutritional habits, eating stuff that doesn’t deserve being called “food,” like processed items that are kept on the shelf for five years, and your body doesn’t get the right nutrients it needs to function properly. On top of that, you most likely have dysbiosis in your gut, your immune system is going all haywire, and your liver is groaning under a load of toxins. Then there comes a point when your body is no longer able to prevent cancer cells from growing and spreading because it is bogged down with detoxifying all the chemicals you are exposed to, and your immune system is busy fighting body tissues and food because of a leaky gut. Now, on top of all that, the extremely toxic Covid jab is exacerbating the situation in unprecedented ways and impact.

The first step before starting any treatment is to eliminate as many toxins from one’s life as possible. The solution obviously can’t be the addition of more toxic chemicals or pharmaceuticals like chemotherapy. Nine out of ten oncologists would refuse chemotherapy if they had cancer. Yet they bully patients into doing chemo right after they receive the diagnosis—at a time when they are afraid and most vulnerable. Oncologists accused my father of “bullying” patients out of chemotherapy and radiation when it was they who did all the bullying. I had an oncologist in Switzerland tell me to my face while he was smoking a cigarette that vitamin C is useless to prevent radiation damage. There are plenty of doctors with this know-it-all attitude that have a license to practice and kill patients. These doctors get rewarded financially by the pharmaceutical industry whose whore they play, and they are awarded all kinds of honors and medals to hang on their walls. Meanwhile, doctors that use a natural approach and actually have success in restoring their patients to optimal health are raided and dragged in front of licensing boards.

Here are a few natural cancer treatments and treatment centers that have successfully treated cancer patients.

The Gerson Treatment

The solution is the elimination of toxins and the addition of vital nutrients. The Gerson therapy does just that. Dr. Max Gerson, MD, said: “In the hand of the physician, nutrition can be the highest and best remedy.”

He put together a wonderful program that has a very good (up to 90 percent) success rate in curing cancer.

A friend who studied medicine with me had a very invasive breast cancer. She developed metastasis in her bones, liver, and kidneys. Her orthodox doctor told her there was nothing they could do for her anymore. They saw her dead in three to six months. She refused to go the way of chemotherapy and radiation and lived the Gerson therapy for several years. She is now completely cured. It is tough doing the Gerson treatment, but besides curing cancer, it also restores your whole body to peak health. My friend is full of energy and vitality, and she looks about ten years younger.

There is a Gerson treatment center in Mexico and in Hungary. It is unbelievable, but Dr. Gerson had to flee the United States because his treatment was banned. It entails a lot of juicing of organic vegetables, nutritional supplements, and coffee enemas for detoxifying the liver. Their website describes the treatment perfectly:

The Gerson® Therapy is a natural treatment that activates the body’s extraordinary ability to heal itself through an organic, plant- based diet, raw juices, coffee enemas and natural supplements.

With its whole-body approach to healing, the Gerson Therapy naturally reactivates your body’s magnificent ability to heal itself— with no damaging side effects. This powerful, natural treatment boosts the body’s own immune system to heal cancer, arthritis, heart disease, allergies, and many other degenerative diseases. Dr. Max Gerson developed the Gerson Therapy in the 1930s, initially as a treatment for his own debilitating migraines, and eventually as a treatment for degenerative diseases such as skin tuberculosis, diabetes and, most famously, cancer.

Because the people of the United States fought for their rights to use natural supplements, Gerson-style treatments can now be found in some US wellness centers such as the Sedona Wellness Retreat.

Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez in New York was also very successful in treating cancer patients, even those with pancreatic cancer, a type of cancer known to kill patients within a very short time. He also used coffee enemas to detoxify the liver, organic foods that support the gut, enzymes that help break down cancer cells, and individualized supplements.

Doctors who specialize in these treatments know that cancer can be cured absolutely. The patient, though, must be responsible for his health and follow the treatment plan. There is no magic pill that allows the continuation of a bad diet and cures cancer, just like there is no magic pill to lose weight while eating a bad diet.

Besides the Gerson treatment, there are other successful and promising natural treatments for cancer available.

Cannabis/marijuana has shown promising results for the treatment of cancer. The active compounds THC and CBD both work to make cancer cells digest themselves, leaving normal cells intact. The fact that we actually have cannabis receptors, really a whole endocannabinoid system in our body, implies that our body has a use for cannabis. Dennis Hill is a biochemist who cured his own aggressive stage III adenocarcinoma of the prostate with cannabis oil. He said:

This endocannabinoid system exists in all animal life, just waiting for its matched exocannabinoid activator. This is interesting. Our own endocannabinoid system covers all cells and nerves; it is the messenger of information flowing between our immune system and the central nervous system (CNS). It is responsible for neuroprotection, and micro-manages the immune system. This is the primary control system that maintains homeostasis, our wellbeing.

He has documented the disappearance of melanoma and basalioma on his website, He also explains the biochemistry of why cannabis leads cancer cells to commit suicide. So far there are no good studies available, mainly because of legal red tape. We can only hope that the legalization of medical marijuana will bring us useful and well-executed studies to determine the best way to use cannabis for the treatment of cancer and other health problems.

Antineoplastons developed by Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski have been used successfully for various brain tumors for many decades. Antineoplastons (ANPs) is a collective term for peptides and amino acid derivatives detected as an anti-cancer agent in 1967 by Stanislaw Burzynski, MD, PhD (Houston, Texas, USA). Dr. Burzynski discovered for the first time in the world that the peptides naturally formed in the human body can control the growth of cancer cells. He paid attention to the fact that some kinds of peptide were deficient in the blood of cancer patients as compared to healthy individuals. He named this group of substances “antineoplastons” (ANPs) and demonstrated that ANPs serve as the base for the formation of a biochemical defense system which suppresses cancer cells while keeping normal cells viable. One of the mechanisms by which they work is by normalizing methylation. Dr. Liau who works with Dr. Burzinsky discovered that methylation-related enzymes in cancer cells switch the reaction into permanent “overdrive” so that cancer cells constantly replicate and antineoplastons stop this run away replication by normalizing methylation in cancer cells.

Subsequent research found that Dr. Burzynski’s antineoplastons could be divided into two groups: those with broad-spectrum activity against cancer, and those with effects against certain types of cancer. Dr. Burzynski continued to refine and test the factors throughout the 1970s. Finally, it was proven beyond a doubt that the factors did in fact stop cancer growth, both in vitro and in vivo. To date, Dr. Burzynski has isolated and synthesized 20 different antineoplastons from humans and several others from animals. His “third generation” of antineoplastons has 1,000 times more activity than the first ones he isolated, allowing fewer to be given but with much greater effect. Unfortunately he has been battling the FDA for decades as well which is trying everything possible to suppress this treatment as well as any other natural, safe cancer treatment.

Another promising treatment is called Ukrain. It is an extract of the plant Chelidonium majus, a common weed in Europe and western Asia. This plant and its various forms (other than the semisynthetic compound called Ukrain) have been around for centuries. As a cancer therapy, though, Ukrain was already in use for about twenty years before any of its mechanisms/actions were discovered. It seems to be a very effective therapy for one of the deadliest forms of cancer, pancreatic cancer. Drs. Zemskov and Procopchuk conducted a randomized study of forty-two patients with pancreatic cancer using just 10 milligrams of Ukrain every other day for twenty days in the experimental group. The experimental group’s medial survival was 17.7 months compared to the control group with 6.97 months. It was discovered that inhibition of cell division is confined to tumor cells while healthy cells remain unaffected. It destroys cancer cells through apoptosis (programmed cell death) without affecting healthy cells.

Ukrain “modulates” the immune system, allowing the body to fight the cancer.

It is anti-angiogenesis, meaning it stops the growth of new blood vessels that bring nourishment to cancer cells. Administering Ukrain prior to surgery leads to “tumor encapsulation” and improves the chances of a successful outcome. Postoperative administration of Ukrain inhibits the formation of metastases.

Lymphocytes develop the ability to kill cancer cells after treatment with Ukrain, and all the properties of Ukrain have been proven in vitro, in vivo, and clinically. Ukrain increases natural killer cell activity, normalizes the T-helper and T- suppressor cell ratios, increases lymphocytes, granulocytes, and mononuclear cells while activating macrophages (big eaters— that gobble up cancer cells, dead or alive).

When Ukrain was tested in comparison to f-fluorouracil (a common chemotherapy drug), Ukrain won hands down. Though some patients under Ukrain therapy felt slight fatigue, a slight increase in body temperature, an increased thirst, and a concomitant increase in urination, it was quite evident that Ukrain had no harmful side effects. Ukrain was least effective against leukemia, extremely effective against non-small-cell lung cancer, and very effective against colon cancer, liver cancer, and pancreatic cancer.

Ukrain is water soluble and can be administered intravenously. It has a very strong affinity to cancer tissue and accumulates ONLY in cancer cells.

The problem is the “you-can’t-have-that” policy of the FDA. It is only available in the country Ukraine and possibly Austria. You would need to import it and find a doctor willing to treat you.

Thymus injections are a form of cell therapy to stimulate the thymus gland and strengthen the immune system. The thymus gland, which lies on the pericardium behind the breastbone, plays a central role in our immune system. It trains the defense cells and ensures that they are specialized. Only a thymus gland that is functioning well can guarantee that the defense cells have been effectively trained by the thymus peptides. The thymus gland is at its largest at puberty. At this time of life, our bodies are always encountering new pathogens and contaminants, so the size of the thymus gland at this age corresponds to the enormous amount the immune system has to learn. The thymus gland subsequently shrinks to the size of a cherry. By the age of forty, our thymus gland has lost 80 percent of its original size and activity. With increasing age, the immune system loses its power of resistance. Therefore, in order to maintain functional performance, thymus peptides have to be taken. This means that ageing or old people are better protected against infections and numerous other illnesses like cancer. Thymus peptides strengthen the human immune system and increase the number of immune cells, which they ensure will mature into normal defense cells. Thymus is not only good for prevention of infections and cancers but also as an adjunct in the treatment of cancer.

Again, injectable thymus only exists abroad and needs to be imported. One company that is very helpful with that is IAS, International Antiaging Systems,

Hyperthermia (heat therapy) is a treatment developed in Germany. The theory behind hyperthermia is that raising the temperature of the body not only increases circulation but also the supply of oxygen to the cancer site. Cancer cells do not thrive in the presence of oxygen. Tumors and cells located near the surface of the body are more vulnerable to heat treatments than those protected deep inside. Although prolonged high temperatures can be uncomfortable for the patient, this treatment has produced excellent results. Hyperthermia—just like most alternative cancer treatments—are not used alone but in conjunction with other modalities to attack the cancer cells from all sides.

Metabolic therapy with supplements, diet, and oxygen therapy try to make it most uncomfortable for cancer cells. Cancer thrives in an acidic environment, high sugar availability, and low oxygen. The objective is to change the environment to an alkaline one with the help of diet and the minerals calcium, magnesium, and potassium. A diet to increase alkalinity avoids meat, simple carbs, sugar, dairy, and eggs.

Oxygenation is thought to help kill cancer cells because they can’t survive in an oxygen-rich environment as their metabolism is anaerobic. The best method of introducing more oxygen into the body is intravenous ozone therapy. This therapy has been used in Europe for many decades.

Avoiding sugar helps avoid feeding cancer cells that thrive on sugar. Cancer cells have more insulin receptors than normal cells. Insulin potentiation therapy uses this to attach low-dose chemotherapy drugs to insulin to specifically target cancer cells with chemotherapeutic drugs. This helps to lower the required drug dose and its side effects.

Many of these treatments are combined with high dose Vitamin C infusions, sometimes up to 100 grams per treatment.

Supplements are an important part in the arsenal of natural cancer treatments. The following compilation lists a few of them.

Enzymes, particularly Wobenzyme from Germany are used to break up a protective protein layer around cancer cells. This layer prevents the immune system from attacking the cancer cells. As the enzymes break up the layer, the immune system can go to work. Wobenzyme is available in the United States, and the FDA has approved the orphan drug application of Wobe-Mugos as an adjunct therapy for multiple myeloma. Wobe-Mugos is a combination of systemic enzymes used successfully in Europe in conjunction with chemotherapy since 1977.

Laetril is an extract from the seed in the kernel of apricots. It is high in amygdalin, also called vitamin B17. When the laetrile compound molecule comes across a cancer cell, it is broken down into two molecules of glucose, one molecule of hydrogen cyanide, and one molecule of benzaldehyde. In the early days of laetrile research, it was assumed that the hydrogen cyanide molecule was the major cancer-cell-killing molecule, but now it is known that it is the benzaldehyde molecule that is by far the major reason the cancer cell is killed.

The reason laetrile therapy takes so long to work in spite of the marvelous design of the laetrile molecule is this: if the laetrile molecule happens to chemically react with the enzyme of a noncancerous cell (i.e., rhodanese) before it reacts with the enzyme of a cancerous cell (beta-glucosidase), the rhodanese will break apart the laetrile molecule in such a way that it can no longer kill a cancer cell. Thus, you have to take enough laetrile molecules over a long enough time to ensure that enough laetrile molecules coincidentally hit all of the cancer cells first. Clinics abroad give it as an IV in the beginning of treatment, and then switch to an oral form. The FDA has banned laetril, but you can find it under the names of apricot kernel. Companies selling it are not allowed to make any reference to cancer. Laetril alone will not eradicate cancer, but it is a supportive compound within a well-rounded cancer treatment plan.

Haelan is a liquid soy extract that prevents cancers from forming new blood vessels. It also prevents them from replicating (anti-mitosis), as well as activates the cell death cycle (apoptosis) by stimulating the BAX gene. Haelan turns back “on” the P53 tumor suppressor gene that helps suppress tumor activity by triggering the P21 gene. In most cancer diagnoses, this gene is “off” and therefore cannot protect the body from cancer. Most importantly, Haelan destroys cancer stem cells. While chemotherapy and radiation destroy some cancer cells, the cancer stem cells become more active after the treatment stops and make the cancer come back with a vengeance. Haelan is available without a prescription in the United States.

Quite a few herbs found in the Amazon rain forest are very supportive in a comprehensive natural cancer treatment protocol.

Graviola is also known as soursop or guanabana. The leaf, stem, bark, and fruit seeds contain annonaceous acetogenin. These plant chemicals have significant antitumorous properties and selective toxicity against various types of cancer cells (without harming healthy cells). Three independent research groups published eight studies on these findings. The acetogenins inhibit specific enzymes only found in the cell membranes of cancer cells. They also stop the transfer of the energy molecule ATP into the cancer cell. Without energy the cancer cell dies. Purdue researchers reported that thirteen of these fourteen acetogenins tested were more potent against multidrug- resistant breast cancer cells than all three of the standard drugs (adriamycin, vincristine, and vinblastine) they used as controls. They also stop parasitic infections, kill bacteria, lower blood pressure, and stimulate digestion. The leaf extract has a sedative effect.

Pau d’arco is a very large canopy tree. Natives in the Amazon rain forest have used its bark for malaria, anemia, colitis, respiratory problems, colds, cough, flu, fungal infections, fever, arthritis and rheumatism, snakebite, poor circulation, boils, syphilis, and cancer for centuries. In North American herbal medicine, pau d’arco is considered to be analgesic, antioxidant, antiparasitic, antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and laxative. It also has anticancer properties. It is used for fevers, infections, colds, flu, syphilis, urinary tract infections, cancer, respiratory problems, skin ulcerations, boils, dysentery and gastrointestinal problems of all kinds, arthritis, prostatitis, and circulation disturbances. Pau d’arco also is employed in herbal medicine systems in the United States for lupus, diabetes, ulcers, leukemia, allergies, liver disease, Hodgkin’s disease, osteomyelitis, Parkinson’s disease, and psoriasis, and is a popular natural remedy for candida and yeast infections. The bark of the pau d’arco tree contains a variety of active chemicals, one of which is called lapachon—it exhibits the most anticancer effects. The problem with many commercially available pau d’arco supplements is that the tree is logged and processed for the construction of buildings. Quite a few other trees look very similar and are logged and stripped of their bark at the sawmills. These mills scoop up the stripped bark and sell it as “pau d’arco” even though it may be mahogany or other similar trees that don’t contain the phytochemicals needed. Make sure to buy a supplement that has a standardized amount of lapachon as the main ingredient.

Cat’s claw root is an extract from the Uncaria tomentosa (Willd.) DC plant from the Amazon rain forest. It is harvested at the eastern foothills of the Andes mountains. For each plant harvested, two are replanted. In 1969 Oscar Schuler Egg discovered the specific Willd DC variety of this plant, which is certified to be the original, hailed as the secret of the Amazon. His father, Luis Schuler Stadler, was said to have been cured of cancer and rheumatism after spending several weeks with the indigenous people of this region and drinking cat’s claw root brew daily. The word-of-mouth diffusion attracted many patients suffering from cancer, whose conditions had been considered terminally ill by modern medicine. Many of these patients were said to have been cured of many different types of cancer. Beginning in the 1970s to this day, numerous research studies were done around the globe. As a result of this research, there is evidence that cat’s claw root may be beneficial in the treatment of cancer, arthritis, bursitis, herpes, diverticulitis, Crohn’s disease, and HIV infection. It has tumor- inhibiting, anti- inflammatory, and immune-stimulating properties. It activates T lymphocytes and macrophages by the different oxindole alkaloids, which, in 1989, were found within the plant. Studies with AIDS patients conducted in Peru and Austria showed the patients’ remarkable improvement even when infections were present, and they remained healthy for over six years, thus demonstrating the plants’ ability to stimulate the immune system.

Immune system boosting supplements are an important part of a comprehensive cancer treatment. These include inositol, echinacea, colostrum, beta-glucan, alpha-lipoic acid, and various mushrooms and their extracts like AHCC (active hexose correlated compound). According to research done in Japan, AHCC increases cytokines, the activity of natural-killer cells by as much as 300–800 percent, populations of macrophages, and the number of T cells by up to 200 percent.

Iscador (mistletoe) was first developed by Rudolf Steiner. Studies show that the best results are achieved with solid tumors. It helps to prevent metastasis and can increase survival time by up to 40 percent.

You will NOT hear about this cancer cure in the mainstream media. Cancer is a huge business for doctors, hospitals, and big pharma. In the twenty years from 1970 to 1990, in the United States alone, the cancer business was worth an estimated $1 trillion. Since then, the cancer industry has grown to a $200- billion-per-year industry. Big pharma controls mainstream media—just look at all the advertisements for their drugs on TV—and therefore it dictates what news is given to the public. Thanks to the (still, barely) free Internet, the public has a chance of finding out about these natural cancer cures.

If you want to prevent cancer, avoid as many chemicals as possible in your daily life and do a regular detox (e.g., coffee enema, juicing days, chlorella for heavy metals). If you don’t feel confident enough to detox on your own, find an integrative doctor (MD, DO, or ND) and do it with his or her guidance.

If you have cancer, you will definitely need the guidance of a trained physician, such as the ones at the Gerson Institute.

We mustn’t forget energy healing methodssuch as practiced by Pranic healers and shamans. The objective is to remove the energies that are causing and feeding the cancer. Often this involves confronting one’s shadows and going through a dark night of the soul.            

Another suppressed frequency healing method is the Rife machine.  It is a kind of bio-resonance therapy. It works on the basis of applying specific frequencies that target specific pathogens to destroy and disrupt them. The basis of frequency therapy lies in the concept that all matter, including the human body, vibrates at specific frequencies.  Royal Rife had compiled a long list of frequencies to use for various illnesses including cancers.  He was very successful in healing cancer until the government stopped him and confiscated all his research papers and machine. Meanwhile some companies are producing Rife like machines that do have benefits, but none are as effective as the original Rife machine.  Nenah Sylver PhD compiled an almost 1000 page book about the Rife machine from history to list of frequencies. It is available on her website

Some cancer clinics are using the Rife method as well as other natural modalities.  One such clinic is  the Cancer Center for Healing of Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy MD. 


The Gerson Clinic:

Sedona Wellness Retreat:

The Burzynski Clinic:

Thymus peptides from International Antiaging System:

Ukrain Information:

Cancer Center for Healing:

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