Wednesday 8 May 2024


What is “Long Covid”

Hint: It is NOT a post viral diagnosis*

The medical community is talking about treating long Covid patients as are people on social media who believe they are suffering from long Covid as a consequence of a viral infection.

The CDC information on Long Covid1:

Long COVID is a real illness and can result in chronic conditions that require comprehensive care. There are resources available.

Long COVID can include a wide range of ongoing health problems; these conditions can last weeks, months, or years.

Long COVID occurs more often in people who had severe COVID-19 illness, but anyone who has been infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 can experience it.

People who are not vaccinated against COVID-19 and become infected may have a higher risk of developing Long COVID compared to people who have been vaccinated.

People can be reinfected with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, multiple times. Each time a person is infected or reinfected with SARS-CoV-2, they have a risk of developing Long COVID.

While most people with Long COVID have evidence of infection or COVID-19 illness, in some cases, a person with Long COVID may not have tested positive for the virus or known they were infected.

My remarks: So there exists a WIDE range of symptoms, just like “Covid” then. Any health problem can thus be attributed to long Covid. They claim unvaccinated MAY have a higher risk – they don’t know? Re-infection is possible multiple times. The “vaccine” doesn’t work then??? You can get Covid and not know you ever had it and not test positive for it either???  It continues:

Long COVID is a wide range of new, returning, or ongoing health problems that people experience after being infected with the virus that causes COVID-19. Most people with COVID-19 get better within a few days to a few weeks after infection, so at least 4 weeks after infection is the start of when Long COVID could first be identified. Anyone who was infected can experience Long COVID. Most people with Long COVID experienced symptoms days after first learning they had COVID-19, but some people who later experienced Long COVID did not know when they got infected.

So now Covid is so harmless that people didn’t know they had it and most people get better within a few days to weeks. And for this we shut down the entire planet???

So what does the CDC state about symptoms?

Long COVID may not affect everyone the same way. People with Long COVID may experience health problems from different types and combinations of symptoms that may emerge, persist, resolve, and reemerge over different lengths of time….. There is no test that determines if your symptoms or condition is due to COVID-19.

Different types and combinations of symptoms? That spans the gamut of medicine and could be anything. How practical that there is no test to determine if these symptoms are long Covid.

Following is the incomplete list of symptoms as per the CDC:

General symptoms (Not a Comprehensive List)

Tiredness or fatigue that interferes with daily life

Symptoms that get worse after physical or mental effort (also known as “post-exertional malaise”)


Respiratory and heart symptoms

Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath


Chest pain

Fast-beating or pounding heart (also known as heart palpitations)

Neurological symptoms

Difficulty thinking or concentrating (sometimes referred to as “brain fog”)


Sleep problems

Dizziness when you stand up (lightheadedness)

Pins-and-needles feelings

Change in smell or taste

Depression or anxiety

Digestive symptoms


Stomach pain

Other symptoms

Joint or muscle pain


Changes in menstrual cycles

Many of these symptoms can be caused by the “vaccines” and it’s interesting how studies on long Covid patients practically never mention if the patients have been jabbed or not.  I know of people who were not jabbed yet have such symptoms they attribute to long Covid. There could be shedding involved in creating these symptoms. But there are other reasons for them as well:

Graphene Oxide is not only in the “vaccines” but was found in masks and nose swabs.  Even unjabbed people would have possibly gotten tested with these swabs or at least worn masks.

The Cov-Id Project wrote excellent articles on Substack about Graphene Oxide on nasal swabs and in masks:

Nose Swabs : 

Masks : 

Graphene introduced by nasal swabs that were inserted as far up the nasal cavity as possible would have no problem entering the brain, particularly since it also has no problem passing through the blood brain barrier as well as other protective barriers.

What neurological symptoms2 can Graphene cause?

It can cause problems with the sense of smell due to direct damage to the olfactory nerve that runs through the nasal cavity into the brain. It decreases gene expression responsible for structure and function of cell membranes, regulation of cytoskeleton, endocytosis and focal adhesion. This means the cellular structure is compromised as are functions of the cell membrane which is vastly important for major metabolic functions of a cell. Thus, it can cause a host of neurological issues such that it affects locomotor activity, balance and neuromuscular coordination. Besides destroying cell membranes, it destroys the membranes of mitochondria3, the power houses in cells. Their malfunction is a major cause of brain fog.

Respiratory symptoms can be caused by Graphene inhaled constantly from mask wearing. It causes inflammation in the lungs and elsewhere. Shortness of breath and chest pain is a logical consequence of inhaling this. Coughing is a reaction of the body to try and get rid of it.

Microscopy and Spectrometry of a mask by Dr. Antonietta Gatti. Besides Carbon and Oxygen (Graphene Oxide) they also contain Iron, Aluminum and Sulphur.

Other symptoms: The inhaled Graphene and other toxins such as toxic metals found in the masks won’t remain in the lungs and thus affect other organs such as the heart causing palpitations, or in the muscles and joint causing inflammation and pain. Low doses of Graphene oxide taken in orally, eg. From masks can adhere to the gastrointestinal wall and cause destruction like razor blades thus causing GI issues.

It’s very likely that the strange symptoms some people experienced as a strange cold of flu during Covid were actually an intoxication by Graphene from masks and nose swabs, in combination with massive 5G emissions in certain hot spots such as Lombardy, Wuhan and New York. The deaths were then caused by Remdesivir, Intubation, Midazolam and Morphine besides starving and dehydrating patients to death and by defining every single death as a “Covid death”.

I highly recommend reading the above Cov-Id substacks as more shenanigans are uncovered such as purchase lists for the Covid PCR Test named COVID from 2017!

There is another reason for Long Covid which is malingering. There will be people claiming to be too ill to work because of “long Covid” as they became comfortable living on government and insurance hand- outs.

People who truly are suffering symptoms need to get Graphene out of their system. The best way to do that is to get intravenous EDTA chelation, high dose Vitamin C infusions as well as Plaquex treatments to repair the cell membranes as well as the mitochondrial membranes.

*There is no virus:


2.       Toxicity of graphene-family nanoparticles: a general review of the origins and mechanisms. Particle and Fibre Toxicology (216) 13:57 DOI 10.1186/s12989-016-0168-y Lingling Ou et al

3.       Nanomaterials (Basel). 2019 Jul; 9(7): 969. Published online 2019 Jul 2. doi: 10.3390/nano9070969
PMCID: PMC6669460 PMID: 31269699
Evaluation of Graphene Oxide Induced Cellular Toxicity and Transcriptome Analysis in Human Embryonic Kidney Cells
Sangiliyandi GurunathanMuhammad Arsalan IqbalMuhammad QasimChan Hyeok ParkHyunjin YooJeong Ho HwangSang Jun UhmHyuk SongChankyu ParkJeong Tae DoYoungsok ChoiJin-Hoi Kim, and Kwonho Hong*

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