Wednesday 8 May 2024


Misleading Criticism about the Dangers of the Covid Jabs

They are dangerous but not for the reasons the MAM claims. And there is good news too.

MAM as in Mainstream Alternative Media was coined by David Icke & MAM as in Mainstream Alternative Medicine was coined by myself. The media, including both MAM’s claims about the dangers of illness and death of the Covid jabs is based on the wrong assumption that there is a Corona Virus, Gene technology and an immune system that will go out of control and maim and kill the jabbed. With these claims the actual dangers of the nano particles such as Graphene, Quantum Dots and Hydrogels are concealed.

First, I want to emphasize one thing clearly: There are huge dangers posed by these shots and the nano particles contained therein! These dangers are being hidden and suppressed in “vaccine” studies and almost all the MAM outlets in media and medicine.

The MAM is circling around an eddy as David Icke would say, of spike proteins causing harm in conjunction with an out of control immune system. As I have detailed in an earlier post, there is no evidence that viruses exist and there is no evidence that the spike protein exists. See here:

and here:

Nano tech is the real reason these jabs were forced on billions of people because the perpetrators of the Covid scam knew very well that there was no virus. They hide the toxic substances in vaccines in general as “adjuvants”. These are claimed to be aiding the “vaccine” induce an immune response in the body. If they didn’t add these toxic substances like Aluminum, Mercury, Formaldehyde, Graphene and others there would be no reaction in the body that they could call an immune response. In reality it’s not an immune response, but an inflammatory detox and repair reaction of the body to get rid of these toxic things.

The so called antibodies are sphere like proteins called Globulins that have been given the misnomer antibody. In reality these Globulins serve to build blood vessels and nerves. Increased Globulins are required and made to build new tissues. Globulins are also made when such tissues are attacked by toxins. And this is the reason why ALL vaccines contain extremely toxic substances to cause an increase in Globulins, mis-nomered as Antibodies, as “proof” that they work. Drug approval agencies usually ignore these toxic adjuvants as they are claimed not to be the active ingredient. In the Covid jabs the nano tech, is claimed just to be the transport vehicle for mRNA. Therefore they claim the jabs don’t contain any adjuvants. The presence and dangers of these nano particles are concealed by both sides: the proponents of the jabs and the critics who claim the dangers are due to out of control gene technology and immune function.

There are several types of nano particles. The one admitted to by the manufacturers is PEG, Polyethylene Glycol. It has the potential to cause allergic reactions. But PEG is not the main nano tech causing harm. Dark field microscopy findings show the presence of Nano Dots that glow and blink in different colors and aid in constructing nanotechnology using hydrogels as base materials and the body’s own energy and substrates. This is the reason many destroyed red blood cells can be found around these construction sites. These grow in size to particles that are large enough to occlude blood vessels causing strokes, thrombosis and heart attacks.

Hydrogel and Rouleau effect in red blood cells. Photo by Dr. Ana-Maria Mihalcea MD, PhD.

Nano Antenna, photo from: 

Some of the nano tech cause extreme damage on their own just by their presence such as Graphene which has been proven to be in the vials not just by La Quinta Columna but it’s written in the manufacturing documents recently released. Graphene is an extreme free radical, a destroyer of cell membranes and a causal agent of cancer. It can go everywhere; pass the Blood Brain barrier, Placental barrier, and Lung and Testis barriers. Depending on the method of administration (oral, i.v., s.c., intratracheal, intraperitoneal), it can be found in lung, liver, spleen, bone marrow, blood vessels. It penetrates cell membranes, the nucleus and mitochondria. Larger particles can get stuck in blood vessels. It breaks down cell membranes, breaks DNA strands, mutates DNA, fragments chromosomes and destroys proteins. It causes mitochondria to malfunction curbing cellular energy production. It causes massive inflammation and increases the inflammatory cytokines Interleukin 6, 12, TNFa and Nuclear Factor Kappa Beta. It activates immune cells and destroys them.  It triggers cell necrosis and cell death leading to organ failure.

The purpose of the nanotech being constructed inside the body seems to be to connect us to the smart grid like our appliances and cars. Our thoughts and emotions could then be controlled and elicited by an AI computer in the cloud. It would be direct perceptual control but also control of where we can go, what we can do, what we can buy and even worse dystopian possibilities.

In addition to the physical harm these nano devices cause, the claims of extreme dangers by the MAM due to the Spike protein can cause psychosomatic harm as per the concepts of German New Medicine by Dr. Hamer. The act of getting the jab and the barrage of information about their dangers can cause a biological conflict as the jabbing can be experienced as traumatic. Such conflicts cause destruction or increased formation of tissue (e.g. “cancer”) depending on the tissue and phase the person is in. These can last weeks or months. This particularly true if there is no option of fight or flight. The jabbed will not have either of these options. All they see is that they have this stuff inside their body and they now believe it may kill them. This is obviously very traumatic. Trauma concerning fear of death most often causes tissue growth which is a tumor and often diagnosed as cancer. If there is no resolution to this conflict, the tumor will not recede. If there is resolution the body will break down the tumor tissue which will result in signs of inflammation with redness, swelling, pain, increased temperature and reduced function of the particular tissue.

Actually this is good news. It would be impossible to get the body to stop making Spike protein if it were a real thing. It’s not impossible though to clean out the nano tech as shown by Dr. Ana-Maria Mihalcea MD, PhD. It takes a combination of treatments that are safe, part of integrative and alternative medicine and they are able to clear the nanotech out of the blood and effect cell membrane repair. I’m advising a group who will open their flagship clinic shortly in South Florida on the treatment protocols. They will do before and after dark field microscopy to prove it works and I will oversee more research to tweak the protocol and provide evidence of its effectiveness. We will find out, once the blood is cleared, if nanotech shows up again from food and air (chem trails). If yes, a maintenance program will probably be required.

Thus there is a way to restore health, and prevent us from being turned into mindless Borg drones.


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